Sunday 2 February 2020

Wards and Shields

I often see discussions around empaths, psychic attacks and curses and the usage of shields and wards.  Commonly the person complaining about being attacked, cursed or overwhelmed asserts that they have shields up, they have their wards in place but whoever their assailant is can get around them.

The obvious answer is to change your system, it's clearly not working for you.  But this seems to be met with a wall of "Wait, what? What do you mean change my system? It's a ward."

There isn't a single method.  There isn't a single way of doing this that will always work every time.  Attacks can take many forms and no single shield or ward will be infallible.  If you give out information on how you've set your wards, you're effectively inviting someone to come and break them or get past them.  I know people who would do it just for the practice.

So, in designing or reworking your wards, first you need to decide how you want them to work and what you're warding.

Do you want you or your property to be invisible? This can work, but you need to be specific about who it is invisible to and how that is determined.  Does it require an invitation to find it? Does ordering pizza qualify as an invitation?  I know that may sound silly, but I know of one person who went with this as an option and couldn't get anything at all delivered until they changed it. Is it invisible only to those with harmful intent towards you and yours?  Many curses can be worked as blessings, will they sneak through?

Do you want your property to have the energetic equivalent of high fences with razor wire? This can also work, but again, you need to think of the specifics.  Can anyone see through? How will the positive, wanted energies get through? The other thing to consider is that much like physical high fences and barbed wire, this kind of thing is like putting a big sign up saying "there's something worth protecting here".  Have you ever paid attention to which houses get burgled most often? It's usually the ones with obvious security, these are the people who have stuff worth taking.  Doing your energetic security in a similar way may attract all kinds of curious things. How strong is it really?

Do you want a solid impenetrable wall or bubble? I like this as a temporary measure now and then, but remember, if nothing can get in, then nothing can get out.  And if nothing can get in, that means nothing at all, the positive will be excluded as well as the negative.  Nothing moving in or out will make the environment inside stale after a while.

Do you want to set a guardian? A guardian can act as a warden or gatekeeper to monitor what comes in and allow access or block as needed.  The type of guardian you choose and how you instruct them in their role will make a difference to the value they add.  Will your guardian be an ancestor or spirit guide?  Will it be a construct? How will you provide them with the energy required to fulfill their role? How will you maintain a good relationship with them? Are you wanting a single guardian or a team or the equivalent of a pack of guard dogs?

Will your wards be a single piece or different layers? Different layers will be more work and will take more thought in to what each layer will be comprised of. This isn't a bad thing.  If your outside layer is something like "nothing to see here", it will deflect most of the frivolous types saving the serious juice for more determined attacks.

Will your wards be tied to an object or several objects? For personal shields, this can be a piece of jewellery. For a property, this could be charged items placed in the corners. Will your wards be affected if the item is moved or taken away altogether?

Do you have some sort of alarm or notification system built into your wards? Will you know if they're being tried?  Will you know if they need more energy or a repair in a weak spot? Do you want to be advised as it's happening or would you rather do a check now and then?

I believe it's best to answer these questions for yourself, figure out what you want and work out a way to make it work from there.  There are no right or wrong answers, there is only what works best for you in your particular situation.  If you get it wrong for you, learn from it and fix it or change it to something else.

Experiment, make mistakes, learn from them.  Rinse and repeat.



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